

Highlands Hammock State Park

5931 Hammock Rd - Sebring, FL 33872

Supporting a beautiful yet delicate ecosystem, central Florida’s Highlands Hammock possesses one of the state’s most unique and richly divergent collection of plant and animal life.

As the park with more rare and endemic species than any other Florida state park, Highlands Hammock is a place where a sense of wilderness and history are preserved. Visitors may walk the trails where the Florida panther and black bear quietly pass beneath the ancient, towering oaks of a magnificent hydric hammock. Deer, alligators and a variety of birds also frequent the park. With its beautiful old-growth hammock and variety of habitats and wildlife species, this is the Real Florida at its best.

To see these natural wonders, explore nine trails on foot, including an elevated boardwalk through a cypress swamp. Make sure to travel our three-mile bike loop, or take the tram for those who prefer to sit back and leisurely take it all in. 

Also on property is the Civilian Conservation Corps museum where you can learn about the men who helped build this and many of Florida's other state parks.

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Highlands Hammock State Park

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Highlands Hammock State Park

5931 Hammock Rd - Sebring, FL 33872

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